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Not Your Average “Coffee Bean”

February 15, 2019
Medium pony “Coffee Bean” has shown numerous young riders the ropes at shows up and down the east coast. Her...
HorseScents Lavender Aromatherapy Ambassador

Winning Junior Jumper “Carolina”

February 8, 2019
Twelve-year-old Warmblood mare “Carolina” has had a strong start to the 2019 Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF) with young rider Taylor...
HorseScents Ambassadors Lyrical and Sophie Wayner

Regional Dressage Champion “Lyrical”

February 2, 2019
Dressage is a notoriously exacting discipline, and those who choose to work through its levels are often snubbed as uptight...

Seasoned Show Pony “Everyday Enzo”

January 18, 2019
Over the course of his twelve-year career on the East coast show circuit, Everyday Enzo has accumulated hours of ring...

Hall of Fame Trainer Loves Lavender for “Loyal”

January 18, 2019
Racehorses spend a sizable portion of their early years being exposed to high-stress situations. Cheering crowds, narrow starting stalls, and...
HorseScents user Amelia

Olympic Jumper Offspring “Tallin’s Casallina”

January 18, 2019
Holsteiners are popular among equestrians for their compact athleticism, charisma, and kind personality. The breed originated in Northern Germany more...

HorseScents Lavender: From Seed to ScentSac

January 17, 2019
Did you know? HorseScents lavender is homegrown at our Stoneleigh Farm headquarters. Organic and prepared with love just for you!...

HorseScents Press Release: The Results of Ann Baldwin, PhD’s Study

January 15, 2019
A June 2019 study conducted by Ann Baldwin, PhD from the Physiology Department at the University of Arizona’s College of...

Throwback Thursday: Our Feature in The Plaid Horse

January 12, 2019
Back in August 2019, we were featured on the cover of Plaid Horse magazine! Check out their article about HorseScents...

Ryder Richardson Featured in The Chronicle of the Horse

January 11, 2019
Our new HorseScents ambassador, 14-year-old Ryder Richardson and his pony, RR Cool Play, were recently featured in The Chronicle of the...