Ten-year-old Hanoverian gelding Perseus YC has become a multi-talented mount for the Colorado-based Gibbs family since his acquisition as a yearling in 2010. The bay was bred by Trish McConathy of Yarmony Creek Sport Horses and named after the Greek mythological hero who slays snake-headed Medusa. “Percy” was born within weeks of the annual summer Perseid Meteor Showers, so the name took on double significance. It can be no coincidence that this horse has some serious star power.

Percy was initially purchased as a young three-day eventing stallion prospect for Erin Gibbs. But with his flashy trot and knees-to-nose jump, she quickly realized his calling to the hunter ring. Trainer Philip Dreissigacker helped Erin begin his training, but the playful young horse was later sent to cowboy Ed Dabney in Georgia to see the world and get some experience. He returned to Colorado six months later as a perfect trail horse who will stand patiently tied to anything and travels in the trailer like a pro! Upon Dreissigacker’s recommendation, Karen Catov-Goodell began training Erin and Percy up the hunter ranks from Baby Green and Pre-Adult Hunter classes to Amateur Hunters and Derbies.

Since then, the Gibbs have worked with Harriet Bunker and most recently Stacia Klein Madden to perfect his style. Training a horse from the ground up is a challenging and time-consuming endeavor that requires great patience, forgiveness, and experience. Erin’s equine expertise and her faith in Percy, as well as the professional guidance she received, is clearly reflected in Percy’s success with Erin and her two children in the hunter and equitation rings.

Erin handed Percy’s reins to her son, Dominic, in late 2017 when he was looking for more competition mileage. The pair quickly began racking up points in the Children’s Hunters before transitioning to Hunter Derbies and Junior/AO Hunter classes, in which they claimed countless championships at the Colorado Horse Park and clinched a win in Kentucky at the USHJA National Hunter Derby.

Erin’s daughter Jordan began sharing Percy with her brother in 2018, and she has since become the horse’s full-time rider. Jordan and Percy now compete in the 3’3” 15 and Under Junior Hunters with New Jersey-based trainer Stacia Klein Madden of Beacon Hill Show Stables. Among their many accomplishments in 2019 was earning a Reserve Champion title at the Las Vegas National Horse Show. The pair finished second under the light in the International Ring in the WCHR Junior Hunter Classic and fourth overall in the 2020 WEF circuit standings for 3’3” Junior Hunters 15U.
Percy uses the relaxing lavender aroma of HorseScents Scent Straps to prepare for competitions, especially to calm his nerves for those scary things that may lurk in the shadows and corners. Jordan says that the lavender-filled Sacs “calm him down before he goes up to the show arena, and keep his nerves down in stressful situations; with HorseScents, he can be brave.” HorseScents is proud to help superhero horses like Perseus YC excel in the show ring, and we wish all of the Gibbs riders the best of luck this season! To learn more about the science behind HorseScents, click here!